Reflections to Heaven
When one can reflect on the incalculable number of atomic occurrences, particles, compounds, self-replicating molecules, mitochondria, through the entire path of evolutionary development, it took to get here The gas clouds, the prior supernovas it took to create the higher elements, the Goldilocks zone, multiple mass extinctions, opposable thumbs, language And time, an unfathomable amount of time, in a functionally infinite universe To be this sentient being, to be the 'I' behind my eyes, to be the part of all that universe through which it analyses itself And to do so via the being that you are, the part of the universe that reflects not only upon its grandeur as a whole but also upon its own emergent quality Consciousness To be and to reflect on the self as the observant within that universe When one can just barely understand that, one can find all peace and beauty in reality, in life Because you are unique, in the truest definition of the word unique The c...