Controlling your life

I am of the belief that what problems we suffer through in life effect us only as much as we allow them to.  The Christians depicted demons for centuries as vicious carnivores filled with evil.  I don't believe in demons like that, but I believe that the fear the imagery inflicts on us is the result of something real.  The true demon is the tendency within ourselves to submit our own will to depressive and self-degrading thoughts, as if to cower before them like they were giant red creatures with horns and pitchforks.  The truth is because you are alive and sentient, you have the ability to do whatever you choose to do, and no demon has any power over you.  The day a person stands up to that fear inside of them that tells them they are unable to overcome Problem X (weight, job, relationship, etc) is the day that person claims their God-given ability to control their own destiny and to cast out that demon.  If you are unhappy with your appearance or with your smoking, simply take your God-given ability to cast out the demon and simply say No, I refuse to except my current state any longer, I am changing.  And then stop Problem X.  And it will happen.  It's really just that simple.


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