Defanging Climate Denialists

"100% of all climate change models have been wrong"
Yes, in the same way that 100% of the directions of every airplane is wrong and does not lead exactly toward the proper destination. Flight is a constant adjustment and readjustment to a perfect, hypothetical flight plan from origin to destination which is to say that the actual flight plan is, by definition, a model. The actual flight plan based on that model is always wrong - due to wind, wind speed, weather patterns, the rotation of the earth, etc - which is why constant adjustment is required to reach the destination. Clearly, the general direction of the model is correct, evidenced by the fact that airplanes operated by professional pilots almost never mistakenly land at an improper destination. Likewise, no climate change model is going to be 100% accurate in its predictions, but clearly as every chart of any meaningful data shows, global atmospheric and oceanic temperatures are rising, the rise is caused by an unnatural proliferation of greenhouse gases, and humans are the root cause (directly or indirectly) of that proliferation. The trend of all these imperfect predictions almost unanimously points to increasing CO2 levels which in turn maps directly to increasing temperature levels, and the increase curve of those CO2 levels begins at the same period of time at which humans started using fossil fuels for energy. 


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