Intelligent Design Is A Religion

It is a common practice for atheists to try and attach ID to some form of religion in hopes that their argument against religion will somehow apply to ID by association... This is done out of desperation, and yours is one of the most determined attempts I have ever seen to do that... It will not ever work... ever! Nice try though...

I see that you believe that ID is not a religion. You clearly have not studied the issue objectively, because ID has been shown, even in a court of law, to be a form of religious ideology, not limited to fundamentalist Christianity. to sum up: 1) You are claiming to invoke a diety or supernatural intelligence - which is, as of today, completely undetectable by any means of measurement ever invented - deliberately manipulating the universe down to the quantum level to bring about desired changes, and 2) You think that the invocation of said intelligence is the more rational decision than assuming a natural cause for any changes. That's bedrock religion dude, don't know what to tell you. Like I said, that doesn't make you Catholic or Sunni Muslim or Rasta. Religions call their "supernatural intelligence" God or Yahweh or Allah; you just call yours Intelligence and limited Its scope to creation and not to the barbarism of the Bible. Your Intelligence is way nicer than Yahweh, don't get me wrong, but it's still "faith in the unseen", a call to pride for science- and knowledge-denying zealots. ID does not prove anything, does not offer testable claims or make predictions about the universe that we can test. It is a proposition offered without evidence, and per Hitchen's razor, can therefore be dismissed without evidence. This is not an issue of "this will not work" because it's already been done. For centuries, and most recently in a court of law. ID is a religion of a Deity who happens to match the moral code of liberal and scientific humans in the modern age. If not intent on influencing "positive" change and historical evolution, Intelligence is at least not imposing "negative" ones, so that makes I certainly more appealing than a Yahweh or Zeus. Might not even appear to be a religion when you first look at I. Remove all faith, and the need for Intelligence goes away.


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