Religion is a virus

This explains the current political wars of ideology. The non-engaged majority is simply being drowned out by the engaged minority with a bigger megaphone. This is a sign of the virus adapting to the evolutionary pressures of the modern consciousness environment. Yell louder. Dig your heels in firmer. Utilize fear over rationality. Because fear is what the virus is. That is the adapter that the phage engages to pass its code into a cell, just like fear of the unknown is the key to opening the door that unlocks consciousness to accepting the virus into its set of rules that are the basis for judging reality. This fear is the cause for the adherence to the ideologies of "going back to the safer times and ways of the past" and reluctance to adapt to change going forward. That reluctance to accept reality is what leads to rejection of reason and science, rejection of alternative genders, rejection of women having consent of their own bodies, and to embracing the illogical of the arguments that support and defend those positions. The modern, Internet-connected age is growing away from religion to evidence-based science and natural reasoning - the healthy condition of the consciousness. Modernity is the direction which a self-sustaining conscious organism will evolve toward, because it better leads to conducting ourselves on the global stage, on the stage of the entire lifespan of our planet, in a way that will maintain the propagation of our species. That is not poison to religious thinking as much as an immune system to it, one that prevents infection and fights it post-infection. A virus of the consciousness is reasoning (correctly) that its means of propagating its genes is threatened, so it is adapting, and the direction to which it is adapting is one that flies airliners into skyscrapers, votes for a suicidal party platform like Republicanism or Brexit, and generally dials into Fox News for education. The virus is entrenching itself in its core value: fear. And acting on its core outlet: hate.


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