What Is Religion?

Religion at its best is nothing more than a means by which the less fortunate can place themselves on an equal playing field with the very fortunate. And by extension of that equal playing field and by its nature, the less fortunate can actually vote themselves over the very fortunate by judging themselves against the standard of that equal playing field. For example, in the religion of Christianity, the equal playing field is created by the belief that all people are sinners and therefore all people are unworthy in the eyes of God. Humans are made worthy because of the sacrifice of Christ. Through Christ, humans can please God by focusing on that relationship with him. So in the end time, those less fortunate who focus on their relationship with God will be considered greater than those who did not, including the very fortunate. So, for the less fortunate, you don't need their power, their money, their looks, their fame, their talents; all you need is to speak words to yourself with your eyes closed and live, as best you can, a pious life, and you will be better than the people who have a better life in this life.


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